Who is Kuan Yin the bodhisattva of compassion.

Listening to my podcast from time to time you will hear me talking about compassion and love. How important it is to open your heart to love yourself and others.
Kuan Yin or Quan Yin is an Ascended Master that is associated with compassion.
Several of the classes I teach use the energy of Kuan Yin for different meditation and healings. The energy of Kuan Yin is always powerful but very loving and gentle. It is reintroducing the feminine aspect into a world dominated by male energy bringing balance.
It is your compassion that can transform you into a Kuan Yin. With your eyes and hands, you can help others. With your compassion, you can bring peace and tranquility to this world.
Kuan Yin or Guanyin is the bodhisattva associated with compassion as venerated by East Asian Buddhists, usually as a female. The name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means “Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World”. She is also sometimes referred to as Guanyin Pusa; pinyin: Guānyīn Púsà; literally “Bodhisattva Guanyin”. Some Buddhists believe that when one of their adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the heart of a lotus, and then sent to the western pure land of Sukhāvatī.
It is generally accepted among East Asian adherents that Guanyin originated as the SanskritAvalokiteśvara (अवलोकितेश्वर). Commonly known in English as the Mercy Goddess or Goddess of Mercy.
The Sanskrit name “Avalokiteshvara” means “the lord who looks upon the world with compassion”.
Translated into Chinese, the name is “Kuan Shih Yin” or Quan Yin.
Kuan: observe
Shih: the world / the region of sufferers
Yin: all the sounds of the world, in particular, the crying sounds of beings, verbal or mental, seeking help
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is the embodiment of great compassion. We all need to be compassionate not only to others but also to ourselves.