Innergy Healing


July 3, 2020

Meditation to balance your solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is our center of power and will. At the center of our body id the storage of our energies, good or bad. Here we store our pains and frustrations. With this meditation you will let go of any issue stor…
June 19, 2020

Meditación para activar el segundo chakra, en espanol.

Balancear el segundo chakra nos permite re establecer la conexion con la parte femenina de nuestro cuerpo.…
June 18, 2020

Balancing the second chakra meditation. Episode 9

Balancing the second chakra meditation to restore confidence toward others and yourself. The second chakra is located below the belly button. Balancing this chakra helps restore our creativity. It is the energy center conne…
June 11, 2020

Energy Changes

Do you have feelings of insecurity? Do you feel uneasy? May be you are experiencing a change in frequency. May be you are going through the transformation of consciousness into one. https://…
June 7, 2020

Grounding Meditation Episode 8

Aligned your chakras Ground yourself Create Harmony within you Bring harmony and relaxation into your body, feel rejuvenated with the energy of the earth. The meditation will center and empower you to be well in syntony with…
May 31, 2020

Meditación para anclar la energía. En Espanol.

Te sientes separado, que tu energía está dispersa? Esta meditación te anclara a la tierra llenándote de energía, armonia y paz interior. Pocos minutos en la quietud de tu ser te llenan de paz, en estos momentos de tensiones …
May 23, 2020

Journey through the Chakras

Chakras are energy centers, each center is located on a precise power point within our body. When your chakras are aligned and working properly your physical and spiritual being is in harmony. Increase your energy Grounding …
May 7, 2020

Vibrations and Ascension.

Are you experiencing changes? Are you feeling different? Maybe you are feeling the symptoms of ascension. Have you heard of earth ascending? A conversation about what is the earth ascension and why we feel different. If you …
May 2, 2020

Templo de Sanacion, Meditacion

La meditación es un modo no solo para obtener calma, relajación y liberarse del estress. La meditacion tambien nos ayuda a sanar dolores fisicos y espirituales. Atraves de nuestra practica la meditación nos lleva a encontrar…
April 23, 2020

Crystal Healing Temple Meditation Episode 7

To ease the stress, have a focused mind to be ready for any challenge we need to practice meditation. As you make your body strong with exercise you make your mind and spirit strong with meditation. Our thoughts create so wh…
April 18, 2020

Breathing Properly to enhance relaxation and lungs capacity.

Breathing is something we do without thinking, Deep breathing has several good qualities. Enhance lungs capacity Enhance relaxation Rejuvenates We must exercise our lungs to achieve better meditation and to clear our minds. …
April 9, 2020

Meditacion Cosmica Hong Sau episode 3

La meditacion es la mejor forma que tenemos para salir de los problemas diarios de nuestro mundo materialista y estresante. Es el camino hacia una libertad espiritual y emocional. Meditando descubrimos nuestra divinidad. Apr…
April 9, 2020

Meditation Hong Sau episode 6

Meditation is the subtle route to liberation from the materialistic world of our modern life. Using breath and cosmic sound you may enter a world of inner peace and calmness. Inhaling Prana/life force you are detoxing and pu…
April 2, 2020

Meditation episode 5

In the quiet of your home or the place, you have chosen to find a special moment just for you. A guided meditation to center yourself and find inner peace. You have the power of being in total relaxation to be reinvigorated …
March 26, 2020

El poder de tus palabras. Cambia tu realidad.

Tus palabras tienen el poder de cambiar tu pensamieto, tu salud tu realidad. Los cientificos estan comprobando como afirmaciones positivas cambian la composicion biofisica de las celulas cerebrales y de tu cuerpo. Afirmacion…
March 19, 2020

The power of your words. Change your reality.

Our words have the power to change our reality. Science is discovering what sages, yogis, and saints have known for centuries. You have the power to change and adjust your body. With meditation, affirmations, prayers, and fo…
March 19, 2020

Meditacion en Espanol

La meditación es una forma simple de relajación para sentirse en calma y sereno. No hacen falta herramientas especiales, usted elije el lugar y el momento adecuado para su práctica. Desde la comodidad de su hogar cree para s…
March 13, 2020

Tiempos Dificiles, tiempos de no tener miedo.

Estamos atravesando momentos muy dificiles, no es momento de estar en el temor. Solo reconociendo nuestras capacidades de cambiar nuestra realidad vamos a vencer. Con amor, compasion y una sonrisa en los labios podemos crear…
March 13, 2020

Do not be in fear.

These are difficult times for all of us as a collective not only of the United State but the world. Remember fear is your worst enemy, you have the power to transform and create your reality. We are one family, it is only wi…
March 12, 2020

Meditation Episode 4

Continuing with our meditation for beginners. In this episode, we look a little into galaxies interacting with each other and changing us. A short guided meditation to relax and feel joy and harmony within yourselves and the…
March 5, 2020

Meditation 3

How to meditate on your own, few suggestions followed by a guided meditation. You are your own teacher, you can do it. A short guided meditation to get used to the stillness of your body and mind. Have fun! https://innergyhe…
Feb. 29, 2020

Meditacion en Espanol

Cómo empezar a meditar a pesar de nuestras vidas modernas y complicadas. La meditación es una forma simple de relajación para sentirse en calma y sereno. No hacen falta herramientas especiales, usted elije el lugar y el mome…
Feb. 27, 2020

Meditation 2

Start your meditation now. It is an easy guided meditation just for you. In the comfort of your home or the special place, you have chosen for your meditation. Find your inner peace. https://w…
Feb. 22, 2020

How to start meditating.

How to meditate even if your life is busy and complicated. Meditation a fun and simple way to release stress, feel serene, and calm. Meditation can be done anywhere at any time, no special tools are required. It is a time th…